Lucy 6th September 2023

All that they were. All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts. This Shakespeare funeral quote is from the play 'As You Like It'. It reflects how in our lifetime, we can be many things to many people – a child, a friend, a lover, parent, sibling and so much more. I though it apt as Mick was lots of things to lots of people. He was a rare gem that really touched the lives of people he met. This can be seen in the family he had known all his life, the friends from day 1 at school, the people he met on holiday that becames frinds for life, the 'new' family he met starting in 2006, the colleagues who he meant a lot to, our most recent neighbours in Exmouth, and the group (of mainly ladies!) that did the sea dipping and held him in such high regards due to his positivity and sense of fun.