Hunter family name

Created by Lucy one year ago
At birth Mick’s given name was Paul David Hunter.
He became Michael Ronald Moore when he was adopted by Peggy and Harry.
When he connected with his family from his birth Mother, he found out that there were Scottish roots.
The Hunter crest features a greyhound sejant in a crown. The greyhound is a hunting dog, which of course symbolises the origin of the Hunter name.
The motto translates to “I will complete the course.”
Mick was always a dog lover. There are several photos of him as a little boy in Ireland with the dogs on the farm. He told me that one of them bit him, he then said “but I still loved it”.
Everywhere we went dogs were attracted to Mick and you will all know he loved dogs, his own and those within the family.
Toby, Eddie, Truffle and Shadow are doubtless pleased to be reunited with him.
